How to catch TAB key press with JavaScript?

The example code is tested in IE, Firefox and Opare. Probably also works in Netscape as well as others like Safari.

<script type="text/javascript">
var obj;
var TAB = 9;
function catchTAB(evt,elem)
obj = elem;
var keyCode;
if ("which" in evt)
{// NN4 & FF &amp; Opera
} else if ("keyCode" in evt)
{// Safari & IE4+
} else if ("keyCode" in window.event)
{// IE4+
} else if ("which" in window.event)
} else { alert("the browser don't support"); }

if (keyCode == TAB)
obj.value = obj.value + "\t";
alert("TAB was pressed");
setTimeout("obj.focus()",1);// the focus is set back to the text input
<input type="text" onkeydown="catchTAB(event,this);">

Hope this will help you. Happy coding!

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